[Notice] Significant renewal such as addition of EC function

Renewal on April 13 (Wednesday). We have carried out a major renewal, including the addition of an online purchase function for contemporary art works and an "artist section" that provides various information on contemporary artists.

▼ Renewal Overview <br>In this renewal, the following three functions have been added, making it possible to "appreciate and purchase" the works handled by this gallery online.

[1] Online purchase of contemporary art works is possible

We have prepared a new “work page” that introduces detailed information on each work. From this page, you can view the details of the works of artists handled by this gallery, as well as purchase and inquire about the works.

Currently, about 50 works have been released, and we plan to add more works in the future.

In addition, we also handle many online-only works that have not been exhibited in previous exhibitions.

[2] Supports multiple payment methods such as credit cards and installment payments

As a payment method, in addition to the conventional "bank transfer", you can now select "credit card" and "installment payment".

Credit card payments are compatible with credit card brands, improving the convenience of purchasing.

Accepted credit card brands:







In addition, it is now possible to purchase in installments in up to 60 installments (for purchases of 50,000 yen or more including tax).

[3] Addition of "artist section" to disseminate information on contemporary artists

The gallery currently handles approximately 20 leading contemporary artists in Japan, and we have added an "Artist Section" that provides various information about each artist.
In this "artist section", you can see the artist's profile, works, exhibition information etc. In the future, we will add content unique to this gallery, such as interview articles and articles introducing works, to each artist's page so that you can get to know the artists and their works in depth.

The number of artists we handle will continue to increase, so we will continue to provide you with the pleasure of finding your favorite artist at our gallery.
At this gallery, we have brought together notable contemporary artists recommended by ONBEAT, a bilingual art information magazine that re-examines Japanese art and culture and disseminates its appeal to the world, as well as our curators who are well versed in contemporary art. You can browse and purchase a number of works by notable artists that can only be experienced here.

In addition, if you register for the mail magazine, we will promptly deliver information on exhibitions to be held in the future, artists and works handled.

There is also information limited to e-mail magazine readers, so please feel free to register.

▼ Publication schedule

We will release detailed information on the artists and works we handle according to the schedule below.
*Products handled by ""Smash Hits 01" from ONBEAT" will be added soon.

<April 15, 2022>
Masahito Hiranuma, Yoko Ayukawa

<April 18, 2022>
Hiroshi Nagao

<April 21, 2022>
General Mayumi

We will continue to distribute information on the official gallery website and SNS as needed.

Official website: https://yugen-gallery.com/ja-jp/

[Twitter] https://twitter.com/YUGEN_Gallery
[Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/yugengallery.tokyo
[Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/yugengallery.tokyo

▼ Future renewal schedule

In the future, the official website of YUGEN Gallery will support multiple languages ​​such as English and Chinese, in addition to distributing contents in Japanese. By targeting not only the domestic market but also overseas markets where there is a strong desire to purchase art works, we will achieve higher sales power.