Jo Nakamura

Painter. Born in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1974. He is active in a wide range of fields, including collaborating with artist Ken Kagami, managing the book label "K.M.L.BOOK," performing as a member of the writer group "SSS," and producing Zines. His collection of works includes "JojiNakamura:BLACKDISCOVERY" (Partizan25).
Solo exhibition 「Noreasonit’sromance」(GalerieMikikoFabiani/フランス)
Solo exhibition “Yourmood” (Cleargallery/東京)
・Solo exhibition “Anothermoonlight” (OILlby Bijutsu Techo/ Tokyo)
・Two-person exhibition “JojiNakamura&SydneyAlbertini” (TheFridge/ America)
・Solo exhibition “Ohsmile” (SpainMallorcaKaplanprojects/ Spain)
Welcome the night