生命讃歌ーSelf Love for World Peaceー
神田さおり 個展

2024.07.05(Fri) – 07.15(Mon)



YUGEN Gallery
東京都港区南青山3-1-31 KD南青山ビル4F






7月5日(金) 招待客のみの限定プレビュー
7月6日(土) 16:00〜 オープニングセレモニー「Self Love For World Peace」開催


※変更になる場合がございますので、最新情報はYUGEN Gallery Instagramから固定投稿をご覧ください。



※7月6日(土)はオープニングセレモニー開始に伴い、16時開場となります 。


Photo : Yoshiyasu Shimo

Photo : Yoshiyasu Shimo

【新月】個展オープニングセレモニー SAORIKANDA Birthday Party " 生命讃歌 "





「魂の悦びの解放」をテーマに活動する現代アーティスト、神田さおり。舞踏とペインティ ングをかけ合わせた“ 踊絵師 “としてフランス、スイス、カザフスタン、インドと世界中のアートフェスティバルに参加。映画監督や音楽家、ファッションデザイナー、シェフ、建築家とジャンルを越えたコラボレーションも精力的に行っています。昨年はアメリカ・ニューヨークでの個展も成功させ、世界での評価はますます高まるばかりです。


2022年頃から芽生えたテーマは「龍と女神のハーモニー」。モチーフの龍は男性性、女神は女性性の象徴であり、誰もが心の内に、この両極を秘めているとします。両極の調和を目指し、そこからうねるように湧いてくる生命エネルギーを表現する作品が一堂に会する展覧会「生命讃歌ー Self Love For World Peaceー」。YUGEN Galleryでは2年ぶりの個展となります。

ニューヨークで開催された展覧会「Self Love For World Peace」のライブペインティングでは、神田が「生命の色」とする赤色に始まり「宇宙との繋がりを感じる」青色を基調に多彩な色遣いで大きな花弁が世界を埋め尽くすようなアブストラクト・ペインティングを披露。神田の躍動する魂、慈しむべき人間の生命力を感じさせるパフォーマンスと作品は現地で絶賛されました。 

本展では、龍と女神をモチーフにした作品をはじめ、ニューヨークで絶賛されたライブペインティング作品など新作を中心に約15点を公開。注目は、陶芸家・Hirotake Iida&Kaori Kawashimaの協力を得て制作した白磁器シリーズ。神田が陶器の壺や大皿に瑠璃と金彩で絵付けをした初めての立体作品となります。このほか緻密に描かれたドローイングも発表。



YUGEN Gallery will be holding Saori Kanda's solo exhibition "Hymn to Life - Self Love for World Peace" from Friday, July 5th to Monday, July 15th.


  • Date : July 5th (Friday) – July 15th (Monday), 2024
  • Venue : YUGEN Gallery
  • Address : 4F KD Minamiaoyama Building, 3-1-31 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
  • Opening hours : 13:00-19:00 (weekdays), 13:00-20:00 (first day, weekends and holidays), 16:00-19:00 (July 6th) *Ends at 17:00 on the final day only
  • Reception Dates : July 5th (Fri) Limited Preview for invited guests only July 6th (Sat) 16:00~ Opening Ceremony "Self Love For World Peace" *No reservations required
  • Visitor availability : Every day during the exhibition period. *Visitor availability days may change. Please see the pinned post on the gallery’s Instagram for the latest information.
  • Admission fee : Free
  • Please note : *The preview on Friday, July 5th will be limited to invited guests only. *Due to the opening ceremony on Saturday, July 6th, the venue will open at 4pm. *Please note that the dates and opening hours may change without notice depending on the situation.

Exhibition highlights

Photo: Yoshiyasu Shimo

*Please note that some of the exhibited works may be subject to change.

About SAORIKANDA's Birthday Celebration and Opening Ceremony

Photo: Jake Price

On Saturday, July 6th, in addition to SAORIKANDA's birthday celebration, we will hold an opening ceremony called "Self Love For World Peace." The ceremony will feature a live art performance and the first screening of a NYC documentary.
No reservations are required, so we look forward to seeing you there.

*Due to performance production, admission may be restricted after the start time.

[New Moon] Solo Exhibition Opening Ceremony SAORIKANDA Birthday Party "An Ode to Life"

■ Schedule
16:00~ Opening
17:30-18:00 NYC solo exhibition documentary premiere
18:00-19:00 Live art performance 19:00-20:00 Chat time

■ Cooperation
July 6th (Sat) Performance Music/Collaboration: CDHATA (Instagram @cd_hata )

"Clarity" Music provided by musician AHK (Instagram @underdog.bot )

Sacred artifacts and collaborative works: Hirotake Iida ( Instagram @iidahirotake )

Production cooperation: Kaori Kawashima (Instagram @qinghua_ci )

Original goods giveaway! About visitor registration

※The registration is now closed※

We live to share love

Saori Kanda is a contemporary artist whose work focuses on the theme of "liberation of the joy of the soul." As a "dancing artist" who combines his artistic style with dance, he has participated in art festivals around the world, including in France, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, and India. He is also actively collaborating across genres with film directors, musicians, fashion designers, chefs, and architects. Last year he had a successful solo exhibition in New York, USA, and his reputation around the world is only growing.

The motif is the harmony of the dragon and the goddess.

The theme that has emerged since around 2022 is "Harmony of the Dragon and the Goddess." The motif of the dragon is a symbol of masculinity, and the goddess is a symbol of femininity, and everyone has these two extremes hidden within their hearts. The exhibition "Hymn of Life - Self Love For World Peace" brings together works that aim to achieve harmony between the two extremes and express the life energy that surges forth from there. This will be the first solo exhibition at YUGEN Gallery in two years.

In the live painting for the exhibition "Self Love For World Peace" held in New York, Kanda performed abstract paintings in which large petals filled the world in a variety of colors, starting with red, which Kanda considers "the color of life," and blue, which he says "feels connected to the universe." Kanda's performance and works, which conveyed his vibrant spirit and the vitality of human beings, were highly praised locally.

This exhibition will feature approximately 15 new pieces, including works with dragon and goddess motifs, as well as live paintings that were highly praised in New York. The highlight is the white porcelain series, created with the cooperation of ceramic artists Hirotake Iida and Kaori Kawashima. These are Kanda's first three-dimensional works, in which he painted ceramic vases and large plates with lapis lazuli and gold paint. In addition, he will also present intricate drawings.

In addition to a live performance, the opening will feature the first screening of a documentary film that followed her solo exhibition in New York. This exhibition will also feature a limited edition collection of her Dragon and Goddess series, which is expressed using a variety of techniques. Saori Kanda's new challenge creates a time and space filled with the joy of life.

Delicacy and strength All of us

Happy, sad, feeling good All of us

Don't ignore any feelings I want you to feel it properly If I close my heart, I might feel better and won't get hurt But I can no longer feel "love"

To love yourself deeply To be kind to yourself no matter what
Embracing both darkness and light

It takes courage, though. I gradually become more connected to my inner self. My heart is opening up more and more The rigid defenses are loosened and the honest voice of the soul is heard. The vitality comes out

Self-love is not the same as selfish

Self-love is returning to the source of love Remember that there is a source of love within you Overflowing with love If you share it with the person next to you, Soon love will spread throughout the world

As Einstein left us Love is the most precious, powerful and infinite energy in the universe.

Expressing overflowing joy with your whole body I want to share

Self-love becomes a vibration and spreads to the world

"These past two years have forced me to seriously consider what it means to live my life. From there, I have come to realize that my work is a reflection of my life itself, and it has become a time for me to learn to love myself more deeply."

For Kanda, a white canvas is "a place of healing where the soul rejoices." Everyone has their own sacred temple in their heart, and the white porcelain ware to be unveiled this time is inspired by the sacred objects offered there. Kanda says that his singing, dancing, and painting as a dance artist are "a way to return to one's own sacred space," and they awaken self-love, or the vitality of human beings.

"When harmony is created in music or colors, it transcends thought and brightens the heart. The image of the harmony between the masculine and feminine that we all possess is the color of the rainbow."

A dragon and a goddess dancing in a circle. The rainbow colors that bless them and paint the air. Saori Kanda's work depicts self-love overflowing from her heart as if it were raining down on the world, revealing that we humans live to share love.

*This refers to a reference to the energy of love that Albert Einstein left behind in some 1,400 letters to his daughter Liesel Einstein.

About sales of artworks

At the same time as the exhibition, the works will be available to view and purchase on the YUGEN Gallery official online store.


An exclusive interview article with Saori Kanda has been published.

ARTIST INTERVIEW - Saori Kanda "Spiritual art that resonates with the times"

A contemporary artist who combines dance and painting as an "dance artist" active around the world in countries including France, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, and India.

The motif of the dragon is a symbol of masculinity, and the goddess is a symbol of femininity, and everyone has these two extremes hidden within their hearts. Aiming for harmony between the two extremes, the exhibition "Sanka of Life - Self Love For World Peace" brings together works that express the life energy that surges forth from there. Saori Kanda aims for "art that delights the soul." We asked her about the message conveyed in her works.

Saori Kanda


Contemporary artist. Her work as a "dance artist," a unique ceremony art performer that involves various expressions such as sound, dance, clothing, fragrance, and food to satisfy the five senses, has been recognized as a performing art, and she has been invited to perform in various parts of the world, including China, Europe, the United States, Kazakhstan, and India. In 2020, she started a series of works with the themes of "Goddess Blossoming" and "Liberation of Sacred Eros." Her works incorporate the importance of facing "sex" as a source of life in the view of life and death, and loving oneself again. She has collaborated with many companies, including NISSAN, Canon, and ALFA ROMEO. Her previous solo exhibitions include the Okaya Museum of Art and Archaeology (2023) and NIPPON GALLERY in New York (2023). Instagram: @saori_an_jp


2024.7.5 (Fri) - 2024.7.15 (Mon)


YUGEN Gallery


KD Minamiaoyama Building 4F, 3-1-31 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Opening hours

Weekdays: 13:00-19:00
First day, weekends and holidays: 13:00-20:00
July 6th (Sat): 16:00-19:00
*Ends at 17:00 on the final day only

Reception Dates

Friday, July 5th: Exclusive preview by invitation only

July 6th (Sat) 16:00~: Opening Ceremony "Self Love For World Peace" *No reservations required

Closed Days


Date of presence

Every day during the event

Admission fee



*The preview on Friday, July 5th will be limited to invited guests only.

*Due to the opening ceremony on Saturday, July 6th, the venue will open at 4pm.

*Please note that the dates and opening hours may change without notice depending on the situation.







展覧会開催と同時にYUGEN Gallery公式オンラインストアにて、作品の閲覧・ご購入が可能となります。



ARTIST INTERVIEW - 神田さおり「時代と共鳴するスピリチュアルアート」

舞踏とペインティングをかけ合わせる“ 踊絵師 “としてフランス、スイス、カザフスタン、インド等世界で活動する現代アーティスト。

モチーフの龍は男性性、女神は女性性の象徴であり、誰もが心の内に、この両極を秘めているとします。両極の調和を目指し、そこからうねるように湧いてくる生命エネルギーを表現する作品が一堂に会する展覧会「生命讃歌ー Self Love For World Peaceー」。神田さおりが目指すのは「魂が悦ぶアート」。そこに示されるメッセージについて聞いた。

現代アーティスト。音・舞・衣・香・食などさまざまな表現を巻き込み、五感を満たす独自のセレモニーアートパフォーマー「踊絵師」としての活動が舞台芸術として評価され、中国や欧米、カザフスタン、インドなど世界各地に招聘される。2020年「女神開花」「聖なるエロス解放」をテーマとした作品シリーズをスタート。死生観に於ける命の源としての“性"に向き合い、自らを愛し直すことの重要性を作品に込めている。NISSAN、Canon、ALFA ROMEO等企業コラボレーション多数。これまでの個展開催に岡谷美術考古館(2023)、ニューヨークNIPPON GALLERY(2023)等。